8/21 모닝스페셜, 입트영


© guerrillabuzz, 출처 Unsplash 1. South Korean authorities have linked a hacking attempt to a North Korean group known as Kimsuky, which is suspected of trying to breach a major Seoul-Washington joint military exercise.한국 당국은 북한 해킹 조직인 “김수키”가 한미 연합 군사 연습을 노려 사이버 공격을 시도한 정황을 확인했습니다.2. The World Health Organisation has said it is closely monitoring another new Covid-19 variant, nicknamed Pirola, which carries more than 30 spike gene mutations.세계보건기구인 WHO가 돌연변이 수가 오미크론 변이종보다 30여 개나 많은 코로나19 바이러스 변이인 피롤라를 감시 대상에 추가했습니다.3. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has visited the tsunami-wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant ahead of the planned discharge of contaminated wastewater into the ocean which could potentially take place in late August, according to local media.기시다 후미오 일본 총리가 오염수 해양 방류를 앞둔 후쿠시마 제1원자력발전소를 어제 방문했다고 현지 언론이 전했습니다. 방류 시기는 이달 말이 유력시되고 있습니다.4. Forest fires in Canada’s western province of British Columbia have intensified, with the number of people under evacuation orders doubling since a state of emergency was issued last week.캐나다 서부 지역에 산불이 급속도로 확산하면서 지난주 대피령이 내려진 주민이 하루 새 두 배로 증가했습니다.5. In a rare astronomical event, August 31 will offer moonwatchers the opportunity to witness a super blue moon, a phenomenon that was last observed five years ago, with the next occurrence not expected for another 14 years.슈퍼 블루문이 오는 8월 31일 관측될 예정입니다. 이번 슈퍼 블루문은 5년 만에 뜨게 되며, 다음은 14년 후에 관측될 전망입니다.1. hacking attempt : 사이버 공격 시도There has been a hacking attempt on the company’s servers, but our security team was able to quickly thwart the attack.2. closely monitoring : 면밀하게 주시하다 The cybersecurity team is closely monitoring the network for any unusual activities that might indicate a breach.3. be nicknamed : ~라는 별명으로 불리다Due to his exceptional dribbling skills and lightning-fast speed, he is nicknamed “The Flash” by his teammates.4. potentially take place in late August : 잠재적으로 8월 말에 있을 것이다, 8월 말이 유력시되다.The annual meteor shower is potentially going to take place in late August, and astronomers are eagerly awaiting its arrival.5. forest fires have intensified : 산불이 더 심해졌다In recent weeks, the dry weather and strong winds have caused forest fires to intensify across the region.6. evacuation order : 대피령As the flames approached the residential area, the authorities issued an evacuation order to ensure the safety of the residents.7. astronomical event : 천문학적 현상The upcoming solar eclipse is a rare astronomical event that has captured the attention of both amateur stargazers and seasoned astronomers alike. © laurenlulutaylor, 출처 Unsplash 입트영 My fatherwhy is it so hard for many people to express affection toward their father?The relationship between a child and their father holds profound significance in shaping emotional development and overall well-being. While many experience deep bonds and open channels of affection, there exists a segment of individuals who struggle to express their feelings of love and warmth towards their fathers. This difficulty can stem from a combination of psychological, societal, and personal factors that interplay to create barriers to affectionate expression.1. Gender Stereotypes and Cultural Expectations: Society often perpetuates traditional gender roles and expectations, where fathers are expected to be strong, stoic, and providers. This ingrained cultural perspective might discourage open emotional expression, especially in boys who may internalize the belief that vulnerability or emotional sensitivity is not masculine. As a result, individuals may find it challenging to break free from these norms and express affection freely.2. Emotional Distance and Communication Patterns: Communication styles within families play a pivotal role in shaping emotional expression. If a father has grown up in an environment where emotional openness was limited or discouraged, he may find it difficult to express affection toward his children. Consequently, children brought up in such households may struggle to reciprocate or initiate expressions of warmth due to the absence of a model for such behavior.3. Unresolved Emotional Baggage: Unresolved conflicts or past experiences can impact the ease of expressing affection. A history of strained relationships, disagreements, or unmet expectations can create emotional barriers that hinder the natural flow of affectionate feelings. Lingering negative emotions may make individuals apprehensive about displaying vulnerability or initiating affectionate gestures.4. Fear of Rejection or Misinterpretation: Expressing affection is a vulnerable act that opens individuals up to the possibility of rejection or misinterpretation. The fear of not receiving the desired response or being misunderstood can deter individuals from sharing their feelings openly. This fear is amplified when emotional expression hasn’t been a consistent part of the relationship, making the prospect of starting such interactions daunting.5. Self-Esteem and Insecurity: Personal insecurities and low self-esteem can contribute to difficulty in expressing affection. Individuals who struggle with self-worth might doubt the sincerity of their feelings or question whether their expressions of affection would be valued. This self-doubt can lead to hesitancy or avoidance in expressing emotions, including affection toward their father.6. Unmet Expectations and Disappointment: Expectations play a significant role in any relationship. If an individual has had unmet expectations regarding their father’s behavior or emotional presence, it can lead to disappointment and emotional distance. This disappointment may make it challenging to express affection because of the fear that it might reinforce feelings of vulnerability or further unmet needs.The difficulty in expressing affection toward fathers is a multifaceted issue influenced by a combination of societal norms, communication patterns, emotional baggage, fears, and personal insecurities. Overcoming these barriers often requires a conscious effort to challenge gender stereotypes, develop effective communication skills, work through unresolved conflicts, confront fears, boost self-esteem, and manage expectations. As societies evolve to value emotional openness and vulnerability, individuals can work towards breaking down these barriers, fostering healthier relationships with their fathers and paving the way for more authentic expressions of affection.1. pass away 별세하다2. chronic affliction 만성질환3. both ups and downs 좋은 일과 나쁜 일 모두4. bid farewell to 이별하다5. get choked up 울컥하다6. really hits home 절실히 느껴지다7. can’t bring myself to 차마 -할 수 없다8. only for a short time 짧은 시간 동안만Emily: You know, it’s been a while since my father passed away. It’s still hard to believe he’s no longer here with us.Sarah: I can imagine. Losing a parent is never easy. Was it sudden, or did he have a chronic affliction?Emily: It was a chronic illness that he battled for years. There were both ups and downs during his journey, moments of hope and moments of despair. But in the end, he peacefully bid farewell to us.Sarah: I’m sorry for your loss. It must have been a challenging time for you and your family.Emily: Thank you, Sarah. It really hits home when I think about all the memories we shared. The little things he did, the advice he gave – they all come rushing back.Sarah: I can see how those memories would get you choked up. It’s incredible how certain moments stick with us even when our loved ones are no longer here.Emily: Absolutely. And you know, there are times when I can’t bring myself to visit certain places or do certain things because they remind me of him.Sarah: That’s understandable. Grief can be overwhelming, and some things can be too painful to face.Emily: You’re right. But I also remind myself that he wouldn’t want me to stay in that sad place forever. He always encouraged us to find joy in life, even when it’s tough.Sarah: He sounds like a wonderful father.Emily: He was. And even though he’s not physically here anymore, I still feel his presence, especially when I share stories about him with my kids.Sarah: That’s a beautiful way to keep his memory alive.Emily: Yes, it is. It’s a reminder that even though he was only in our lives for a short time, the impact he made is everlasting.Sarah: Cherishing the time you had and carrying forward his legacy is a meaningful way to honor him.Emily: Absolutely. And it’s moments like these, when we can sit here and talk about him, that help me feel connected to him once again.Sarah: I’m glad we can have this conversation. It’s important to remember and celebrate those who have shaped our lives, even after they’re gone.Emily: Thank you, Sarah. Your support means a lot.