2023.08.21 Mon – EBS Morning Special


1. South Korean authorities have linked a hacking attempt to a North Korean group known as Kimsuky, which is suspected of trying to breach a major Seoul-Washington joint military exercise.​hacking attempt 사이버 공격 시도breach (합의나 약속을) 위반하다[어기다], 방해하다, 침해하다​한국 당국은 북한 해킹조직인 “김수키”가 한미 연합 군사 연습을 노려 사이버 공격을 시도한 정황을 확인했습니다. Suspected N. Korean Hackers Target S. Korea-US Drills North Korea-linked hackers attempted a cyberattack targeting “Ulchi Freedom Shield”, a joint military exercise between Seoul and Washington. www.securityweek.com ​2. The World Health Organisation has said it is closely monitoring another new Covid-19 variant, nicknamed Pirola, which carries more than 30 spike gene mutations.​closely monitor 예의주시하다, 주의깊게 지켜보다nicknamed ~ ~라고 별명이 붙여진 ​세계보건기구인 WHO가 돌연변이 수가 오미크론 변이종보다 30여 개나 많은 코로나19 바이러스 변이인 피롤라를 감시 대상에 추가했습니다. Scientists race to understand highly mutated coronavirus variant spotted in four countries, including the US | CNN A highly mutated new variant of the virus that causes Covid-19 has countries on alert as scientists scramble to understand how far it has spread and how well our immunity will defend against it. edition.cnn.com ​3. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has visited the tsunami-wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant ahead of the planned discharge of contaminated wastewater into the ocean which could potentially take place in late August, according to local media.​tsunami-wrecked 쓰나미로 망가진, 파손된 *wrecked = destroyed, damagedpotentially take place in late August 8월 말 방류할 가능성이 있다, 유력시되다​기시다 후미오 일본 총리가 오염수 해양 방류를 앞둔 후쿠시마 제1원자력발전소를 어제 방문했다고 현지 언론이 전했습니다. 방류 시기는 이달 말이 유력시 되고 있습니다. Japan’s Kishida Visits Fukushima Plant Ahead of Water Release Plan has been divisive at home and abroad www.voanews.com ​4. Forest fires in Canada’s western province of British Columbia have intensified, with the number of people under evacuation orders doubling since a state of emergency was issued last week.​Forest fires in Canada’s western province of British Columbia have intensified 캐나다 서부 브리티시 컬럼비아주에 산불이 급속도로 확산되고 있다.evacuation orders 대피 명령, 대피령 *issue an evacuation order 대피령을 내리다​캐나다 서부 지역에 산불이 급속도로 확산하면서 지난주 대피령이 내려진 주민이 하루 새 두 배로 증가했습니다. ‘Grim situation’ in Canada’s British Columbia as wildfires intensify Out-of-control wildfires rip through western British Columbia, doubling the number of people under evacuation orders. www.aljazeera.com ​5. In a rare astronomical event, August 31 will offer moonwatchers the opportunity to witness a super blue moon, a phenomenon that was last observed five years ago, with the next occurrence not expected for another 14 years.​astronomical event 천문학적 현상next occurrence 다음 발생 *once in a blue moon 가끔​슈퍼 블루문이 오는 8월 31일 관측될 예정입니다. 이번 슈퍼 블루문은 5년 만에 뜨게 되며, 다음은 14년 후에 관측될 전망입니다. August Super Blue Moon guide 2023: The biggest and brightest moon of the year snuggles up to Saturn The Blue Moon rises on Aug. 30. www.space.com ​ World News Overview c.2023 The New York Times Company​​1. Anti-Corruption Crusader is on Cusp of Presidency in Guatemala Bernardo Arévalo had been enjoying a quiet and predictable life for nearly a decade with his family in Geneva, working on pro-democracy issues for a nonprofit. That placid existence ended after he returned to his homeland, Guatemala, and got drawn into politics. Today, whenever Arévalo appears in public, he attracts throngs to hear him assail the government’s attacks on Guatemala’s democracy. Now, in what is building into a watershed moment for Central America’s most populous country, Arévalo is on the cusp of winning the presidency in a runoff Sunday — an implausible scenario just months ago.​Anti-Corruption 부패방지Crusader (옳다고 믿는 것을 이루기 위한 장기적이고 단호한) 운동을 벌이는 사람[운동가]pro-democracy issues 민주화 문제들 placid (쉽게 동요하거나 짜증내지 않고) 차분한[얌전한]attracts throngs 인파, 군중을 끌어모으다assail 공격하다, 괴롭히다in what is building into a watershed moment 분수령이 될 순간에 *watershed 분수령,전환점, 분기점, 중대한 시기be on the cusp of ~ 막 ~하려고 하는 *on the brink of, on the verge of implausible 믿기 어려운, 타당해 보이지 않는​ Guatemala’s Anti Corruption Crusader is on Cusp of Presidency Bernardo Arévalo have been taking part in a quiet and predictable lifestyles for almost a decade along with his circle of relatives in Geneva, running on pr … vrnewstv.com ​​2. For a Trendy Night Out in Paris, How About a Climate Change Workshop? On a recent summer evening in central Paris, a handful of people trickled into a trendy Brazilian bar /to take part in a “Climate Fresk,” (a workshop run by a nonprofit of the same name,)/ that teaches the basics of global warming and highlights possible solutions. The events have become a trendy night out in France, /with more than 1 million participants. The popularity of the Climate Fresks, (named for the “fresco”/that participants create with the cards,) comes as much of Europe faces hotter summers (associated with climate change). France is expected to experience its strongest heat wave of the summer this weekend.​trickle into 스며들다, (많지는 않지만 소수의 사람들이 꾸준히) ~로 들어가다 <소량소수의 무엇이 조금씩 오가거나 이어짐을 나타냄>run by a nonprofit 비영리단체가 운영하는a trendy night out 유행하는 저녁 외출 활동 as much of Europe faces 유럽의 많은 국가들이 직면하고 있는 * The popularity of the Climate Fresks comes as much of Europe faces hotter summers. – Climate Fresks 모임은 유럽의 여름이 더욱 뜨거워지면서 인기를 얻게 되었다. ​ For a Trendy Night Out in Paris, How About a Climate Change Workshop? More than a million people in France have attended a “Climate Fresk” class to understand the process of global warming. The project is now spreading abroad. www.nytimes.com ​​3. In Europe, Few Even Want to Talk About Trump Part 2 For most European governments, it is almost too upsetting to think about, let alone debate in public. But the prospect that Donald Trump could win the Republican nomination for the presidency and return to the White House is a prime topic of private discussion. The talk is intensifying as Trump is neck-and-neck with President Joe Biden in opinion polls. “It’s slightly terrifying, it’s fair to say,” said Steven Everts, a European Union diplomat who is soon to become director of the European Union Institute for Security Studies. let alone ~는 커녕a prime topic 주요 주제neck-and-neck (경주·시합에서) 막상막하로[대등하게]it’s fair to say ~라고 하는 것이 타당하다, ~라 해도 틀리지 않다. ​ In Europe, Few Even Want to Talk About Trump Part 2 The prospect of a second presidential term for Donald J. Trump has many officials worried about alliance cohesion, NATO and the war in Ukraine. www.nytimes.com 출처 : 최수진의모닝스페셜#ebs영어#NYT#뉴욕타임즈#영문기사#국제뉴스